Covid 19

The Employment Landscape has changed so much in the last 18 months. What worked well back then, may not work well now. What was considered the norm may no longer be the case. So much has happened that it would be unrealistic to expect everyone to go back to how it was previously.  

Successful Business Owners are known to be agile, flexible and adaptable. When punches are thrown or when faced with threats, business owners need to have proactive solutions to these types of problems. The unknown is in fact unknown. So how do you plan for this? We know it’s been tough, we know it’s been hard and we know that some people have been at breaking point. But where to from here? 

Returning to the workplace has been topical for many people who have worked from home for extended periods. There are mixed emotions about when, how and what the workplace looks like going forward which has the ability to create angst and worry amongst the team. But for others it’s sheer relief and joy that the burden has been lifted that they can go back to some sense of normalcy. Without a doubt, whether implied or not changes have been made to our working lives. We have had to adapt to the circumstances that we faced. How do we either accept these changes or implement new ones? Processes have been adapted or modified – have you evaluated whether these were short term or long-term changes? Is it time to perhaps consider a review like this? But more importantly can you still manage your Employees effectively with the policies and procedures you have in place now.  

Have you considered what your Return to the Workplace Strategy looks like? Do you have a return to the workplace plan? Have you consulted with your Employees?  

There are so many considerations that you have to manage which is why we are here to help! Let us help you on your journey to becoming an Employer of Choice.  


Key Considerations that business owners need to think about. 

  • Return to the Workplace Strategy  
  • Employee Engagement Survey to Understand Employees Position on the matter 
  • EAP Assistance for Employees  
  • Employer Obligations under the relevant legislation requirements. 
  • Up to date COVID 19 Safe Plans. 
  • Have you obtained your employees Covid Vaccinations Certificates (where appropriate)? If so, have you complied with the Privacy Law? 
  • Vaccination Policies 
  • Have you updated your Employment Contracts to reflect your business’ vaccination position?  
  • Do you have a Working From Home Policy in place?  

As individuals we have grown and adapted to a new lifestyle and returning to the workplace will require another round of that. As we transition yet again to the new norm, business owners need to be prepared. Are you as a business equipped to deal with these changes and what it may mean for your business? It’s predicted that businesses will face the Great Resignation as Employees look to Employers who support their ideal lifestyle. As a business, you cannot afford not to get this right.  

By reviewing and addressing these areas of concern, you are on track to ensure that you are working towards the status of Employer of Choice. If you need help enacting these activities…

Get in touch with us today.