The Solution
To successfully identify whether the individuals where Employees or Contractors we needed to conduct a full role analysis. This involved understanding the roles on both a macro and micro level.
Once we were able to understand the frequency of the engagement, who was responsible for what, how they represented themselves in the marketplace and who was responsible for organising the work, we could then look at the tasks performed within each role. In doing this, we were able to undertake an award interpretation and classification. Which, in turn allowed us the ability to culminate a “Better of Overall Test (BOOTS) on the current company rates versus the award rates.
Having gained this insight, we held sufficient data to present to both the client and their accountant to discuss the implications of both types of engagements in the business. This information not only related to wages, but around conditions of employment such as time keeping, breaks, allowances and superannuation liabilities. Armed with this information, we spoke about potential Employer liabilities and financial implications associated with both types of engagements and how that looked from a comparative perspective.
Consequently, through collaboration, as a collective we were able to make the conclusion that these individuals were Contractors. As a result, we were then able to introduce Contractor Agreements in place to safeguard the Employer.