Read our Case Study from the Activewear Industry

Now Actually supports businesses in the e-commerce space, providing support and assurance that they are compliant with the law.

The Challenge

  • Significant growth in e-commerce space 
  • Founder wearing multiple hats 
  • No clear rules from the Modern Awards 
  • Needed to create consistency and fair rules 
  • Needed help with managing complex situations.  

The Solution

  • Educated managers 
  • Implemented easy to follow processes and procedures  
  • Acted as sounding board in decision making  
  • Challenged proposed ideas 
  • Now Actually created consistency for Doyoueven and ensured compliance with the law.
  • The company were coached and guided through difficult conversations, and were provided support as they navigated challenging conversations.
  • Created confidence in managers as managers were trained and upskilled.


  • I could not recommend Now Actually highly enough! As a small business, having a dedicated HR department is a huge expense, however, given this post-Covid environment and the ongoing changes, it’s absolutely critical to be across everything.  

    The team have been amazing in helping us navigate through the last two years, they’re always available and never complain about what must seem like my endless trivial questions.  

    I would definitely recommend their services to anyone who wants to implement HR best practice with the most up-to-date regulations.      

    Chris Backman, General Manager – Doyoueven

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