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Case Study from the Home Care & Support Services Industry

Now Actually specialises in expert guidance to provide business owners with peace of mind when it comes to HR practices.

The Challenge

  • A constantly changing employment landscape 
  • Industry undermanned/recruitment can be difficult 
  • Navigating SCHADS changes
  • Creating service/client driven culture
  • Management juggles majority of the business functions and needed expert HR support and guidance

The Solution

  • Spend time focusing on upskilling HQ managers  
  • Strong documentation/processes 
  • Advice on compliance/best practices 

The Impact

  • The business had peace of mind now that they have external support to advise and guide them on HR practices.
  • Strong performance structure for ease of managing diverse and dynamic team.
  • Empowered managers who understand that the business is investing in their leadership development.
  • Now Actually has been integrated into the business and seen as an extension of the team.

As a NDIS provider in NSW there have been significant changes to our industry throughout the COVID pandemic. Having to navigate these changes whilst running a business is tricky. Since engaging with Now Actually I have been able to focus my attention on where it needs to be in business knowing that the HR strategy is taken care of. Just when we thought we could see the light, new changes to the Modern Award that we pay under were introduced. The change to the SCHADS award are complex, but I’m grateful that I’ve had Now Actually supporting me through this. I would highly recommend their services.

Laurie Slade, CEO – Zenn Ability
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