Read our Case Study from the Indigenous Affairs Industry

Now Actually supports Businesses with outsourced HR services.

The Challenge

  • Complicated EBA 
  • No internal HR 
  • Language within EBA is difficult to execute from a practical perspective 
  • Shift in the business model that does not relate to existing EBA which makes it challenging to adhere to EBA processes 
  • Positions within the organisation based on Government funding

The Solution

  • Provided simplistic and achievable advice 
  • Broke down confusing and complicated sentence structure to realistic and actionable terms 
  • Provided advice on how to act upon EBA 
  • Negotiated and reviewed draft EBA for the next period 
  • Provided supporting documents to elements within the EBA to support compliance 
  • Worked with Employees to explain what the EBA means from practice and remove ambiguity 
  • Supported managers with decision making around EBA 

The Impact

  • Practical advice in adhering to EBA 
  • Appropriate documents and systems were in place to ensure compliance to EBA 
  • Simplification to remove ambiguity for both parties

We have worked with Now Actually to gain practical knowledge and understanding of how our EBA is to be applied in our organisation. There have been situations whereby we are required to follow a specific process as outlined in the EBA and Now Actually have been able to provide a practical solution on how we do this. They have also been able to explain or provide context around specific clauses listed in the EBA

Paul Stewart, Deputy CEO – Lowitja
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