Read our case study from the Financial Services Industry

Now Actually specialises in supporting professional services with their HR structure

The Challenge 

Financial services have strict compliance regulations that must abided by. A young growing business with a minimal budget to implement a HR framework but unsure what and how they did it. As busy business owners managing all aspects of the business including HR and determining the Award requirements and minimum terms and conditions.



We developed tailored documentation that was easy to use and provided a foundation for the business to launch off and manage ongoing. This was delivered by a cost-effective package to meet budget constraints but provide the service required with ongoing general advice to support when matters arise.


  • Employees feel they are working in a large corporate business with professional structure with creates for positive moral and engagement
  • Educated the business owners on their obligations as an employer
  • Ensured legal compliance was adhered to
  • Solid foundations for future growth were established


  • As a young and growing business, we had been looking at expanding and bringing on new employees for some time, but like many business owners, we don’t have the time, experience or knowledge on how to do this to a professional standard.Now Actually’s ability to scale their offering down or up to meet the needs of our business was a fantastic solution. Their professionalism has been nothing short of exceptional and is clearly matched by their experience and expertise in all things HR.

    Now Actually was, proactive, responsive, direct and went over and above our expectations. We certainly look forward to an ongoing relationship and the peace of mind knowing Now Actually have this side of our business under control and we can use the time saved to focus on our core services.

    Jayden Post, Director – Hard Line Wealth

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