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21 Questions for 2021

The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, lockdowns and excessive restrictions have had a toll on everyone. It has affected each of us differently. The last two years certainly have proved to be challenging. Personally and professionally, COVID-19 has changed the way we do business.  How do we capture that change with our Employees? 

Employers are encouraged to stop and reflect with their team on the year that was 2021.  

We have put together 21 questions to work through with your team as a reflective exercise to encourage discussion and dialogue around what next year might look like, what we’ve learnt from this year and what might need to be reviewed coming into the new year.  

  1. What have you learnt about the world this year? 
  2. What have you learnt about people?
  3. What has been your biggest challenge this year? 
  4. What has inspired you this year? 
  5. What have you learnt about yourself? 
  6. What have you learnt in a practical sense in terms of skills? 
  7. What experience of loss have you had this year? 
  8. What do you believe you have gained? 
  9. What are you most proud of yourself for? 
  10. Who in the business inspires you the most? 
  11. If you could name three people who have supported you this year who are they? Note: Please tell them. 
  12. If you could describe your ‘pre-Covid’ life in 3 words, what words would you choose? 
  13. Has this time allowed you to gain clarity on your priorities and if so what are your top 3 priorities right now? 
  14. What three words would you want to describe your life in a ‘Covid normal’ world? 
  15. If you were to create a three-sentence vision for your life in a ‘Covid normal’ world, what would you write? 
  16. What mindset shift would you need to have to bring this vison to life? 
  17. What would you need to stop doing to move towards this vision of your life? 
  18. What would you need to start doing to move toward this vision? 
  19. What commitment do you need to make to yourself to birth this vision? 
  20. What support do you need? 
  21. What will be the first action you need to take to step boldly into next year? 

If any of these questions have sparked any concerns for you and wish to discuss this further, reach out to Now Actually who can assist with navigating through each of these points.

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