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Happiness in the Workplace

What is workplace happiness? How can it be improved?

One of the reasons that people move on is that they are unhappy in their current role. We know that it is no longer enough to just pay good money to keep good people. COVID-19 has opened up the flood gates for additional employment benefits. The notion of being able to work from home, subsidised gym memberships, day care and discretional spend are all now being incorporated into remuneration packages.

We know that for some small businesses the cash pot isn’t unlimited. What can they can do to attract and retain good employees without having to go into their pockets for more money?

One of the obvious ways is to create a positive culture that allows Employees to be treated with the regard they feel they deserve. This can be challenging as it can be perception based. Nonetheless, here are some ways to foster a positive work environment.

Boosting Workplace Happiness Tip #1: Supportive Environment

First and foremost, listen to your Employees. Employees want to feel appreciated and heard.  This comes from listening and depending on how your business is structured, this is easier for some as opposed to others.

Making sure that you have avenues for feedback and opinions is a priority. It doesn’t mean that just because an Employee brings you an idea or concept to the table, that it must be taken up or discussed further. It just means that there is an avenue for potential discovery. There needs to be an opportunity for them to voice their concerns or provide feedback.

Feedback is essential for growth and if there isn’t a system whereby Employees can provide it free of judgement then they’ll be less inclined to provide it at all. Especially, if the feedback involves listening careful. You don’t want to fall into the trap where you can garner a culture that orders are given and expected to be followed.

This leads to the point of having a workplace that is psychologically safe and inclusive. Now more so then ever, diversity is apparent through several key indicators. You want to create a culture that allows everyone to be themselves regardless of their gender, ethnicity, age, religion, and background.

Having a psychologically safe work environment is paramount to success. This can be achieved through voicing their opinions or understanding cultural differences. This might be through anti-discrimination policies, diversity and inclusion training or even allowing individuals to create their own resource groups.

Boosting Workplace Happiness Tip #2: Workplace Boundaries

Setting boundaries at work for is also important for mental health and work-life balance. With so many boundaries now being blurred thanks to the shift in the technology we use to complete our work and, with hybrid and remote teams, it can be challenging to draw boundaries. Work-life balance is lost in a culture where people are expected to log on at night or over the weekends. If people are not able to disconnect and focus their time and energy on recharging, it can be counter intuitive to their productivity.

If Employees are not productive, then it defeats of purpose of having them. The likelihood of burnout increases if they are not in a position to be able to effectively do their role. Working hard all the time isn’t sustainable and neither is a poor attitude towards work. Employees who take regular breaks and can switch off from work are physically and mentally healthier in the long run.

Boosting Workplace Happiness Tip #3: Reward and Recognition

This plays a lot into reward and recognition. More than ever, this is a very important component in Employee satisfaction. People like to be recognised for their achievements, but this can be forgotten in times of high stress and uncertainty.

As we resume life post pandemic, it’s worth considering ways to build and strengthen a culture of recognition within your organisation. It might be celebrating birthdays or anniversaries; it might be recognising industry specific days.

Employees who feel respected for the work they do will show higher levels of commitment within your business, and in turn contribute more, innovate, and smash goals.

Boosting Workplace Happiness Tip #4: Trust Pilot

Building trust is a large part of this, that is another area of focus. Employees need to be able to trust you as the Employer and you need to be able to trust them. Building trust can take time but can be done through the likes of allowing flexible workplace practices and focusing on employee wellness. Having this transparency within the business, means that people know where they stand.


There’s no secret to creating a positive culture. However, you can see that there are plenty of actions that you can do and implement to support the notion. They do not have a cost associated with them, but they can reap real rewards. It’s time to start thinking about how you interact and how your team perceives you.

Need help creating a strategy around creating a positive culture? Or perhaps you want a review conducted around your current strategy? Reach out to us now.

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