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Motivating Your People

Do you feel that the increase of video conferencing has made it more challenging for your team to stay engaged and motivated?

With more people being forced to work from home due to the pandemic, this has resulted in many finding themselves less motivated and feeling like each day is like ground hog day.

Are you finding that your people are:

Your team might be struggling with the following problems:

Chances are that the motivation levels are decreasing, the energy and patience of many people are reaching boiling point.

If you are a Business Owner, Team Leader or Manager, who is constantly implementing:

Let us tell you that you are doing all the right things to try and keep your team motivated and connected with each other during these challenging times.

However, even with all this being implemented, are you still finding that nothing is working? You might be seeing that workflow, quality of work, and the self-esteem of your people being impacted.

The biggest issues businesses do when motivating employees

As a result, you may be causing more harm and demotivating your team. Engagement is hard enough in a normal world but engaging your team during a pandemic takes the challenge to the next level.

Motivating employees effectively

To improve motivation levels, focus on the small things: clear, consistent  and positive communication, open dialogue to create a safe environment for staff to open up, provide autonomy, and remember to provide context to the requests you seek so your team understands the WHY.

If you wish to discuss this further and find ways to help you with motivating your team and build a better workplace culture, reach out to our team at Now Actually.

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