Now Actually’s B Corp Certification Journey

Now Actually isn’t your typical consulting company supporting clients with their HR matters or providing employees with employment.

From day one, Founder and Managing Director Jenna Paulin has set out to do things differently.

Now Actually was created to provide employment opportunities that aren’t your ‘norm’ for job seekers looking for their next home. As a business, Now Actually isn’t an HR company telling clients what they want to hear and providing cookie cutter solutions to their ‘people problems’.

We set out to make a difference and that’s exactly what we’re doing. B Corp Certification is one way we can do this.

Why B Corp for Now Actually?

By continually measuring and assessing Now Actually against the rigorous standards set by B Lab, we can constantly improve and ensure we provide the best service that we can. Certification means that we’ve been tried and tested in our approach to business in areas of Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers.

Now Actually approaches the common ways of employment and HR support in a unique way to support both the internal and external Now Actually community. We strive to make a positive impact on every life we touch. We do this to the best of our ability through our approach, style and advice. All these are elements we felt had a common connection with B Corp.

Challenges being Certified

Becoming B Corp certified wasn’t an easy task. It took commitment and dedication to complete the enormous amount of work required, not only before assessment, but during it as well.

The process challenged our thinking. It made us think about things in a way we hadn’t before. And as a result, we got an opportunity to explore new business practices and policies to better enhance Now Actually.

At Now Actually, it’s in our DNA to take a solution-focused approach to untangling problems: whether it’s supporting a client with a complex matter or addressing internal business. Focusing on identifying a solution for the questions we were asked through the certification process assisted us with overcoming the challenging questions we were presented with.


Surprises We Found

In full transparency, there were quite a few moments of, ‘Are they really asking this?’ As we moved along the assessment and continued to reflect on our journey it all started to click, and we understood why certain questions were being asked.

HR professionals say, ‘nothing surprises us anymore’. When you’re in the profession of ‘people’, you need to keep an open mind—and the journey to certification was no different! We tested each other daily and challenged the status quo… and that’s exactly what B Corp did for Now Actually.

What we did find surprising was the time and effort it took to undertake the assessment. We’d been told by B Lab and associates who had also undergone the process that it would be a time-intensive one, but we didn’t realise how time-intensive it would really be until we were underway. But it didn’t deter us or slow us down – it just made us more determined!


B Corp and Now Actually

Although the hard work may feel as though it’s over now, it’s really only just begun. B Corp is not a ‘set and forget’ moment: it’s a continual process of business improvement and one that we’ll continue to embed into everything we do.

Now Actually is in business to do the right thing by everyone we’re connected to. B Corp isn’t just a badge of honour for us, it’s a powerful way of working. For our clients, being certified is a promise that we’ll help them remain compliant AND people-first. For our employees, we create an environment of continuous improvement and opportunities for development. We don’t stop—and won’t stop—working towards greatness for all.

Similarly, the Now Actually values aren’t something that are just stuck up on the wall or only communicated through snazzy marketing collateral. We live and breathe our values daily. This philosophy is aligned with B Corp and what they stand for, we’ll amplify as much and as often as we can.


Now Actually Value: Dynamic

As a company, one of our values is being dynamic. No jargon here—when we say we’re dynamic, it’s because we’re adaptable in the way we work. We also adapt to each client’s needs and goals and deliver our services based on those needs and goals.


Now Actually Value: Aware

Our second value is being aware. We are aware of the environment around us and what we need to deliver to our clients. Keeping abreast of changes in legislation and best practice is one way of being aware. Another is by listening to clients and team members alike, and using this feedback to deliver top-notch service.


Now Actually Value: Genuine

One thing you can expect from us is honest and unbiased advice. We care about each client’s success and we’re there for them, every step of the way.

We’ve spoken about our journey to being certified as a B Corporation and how our values align with B Corp. As mentioned, being a B Corp business means being a force for good and having a positive impact. How exactly do we show our commitment to social impact as a B Corp certified business? Read all about it here.

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