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Restraint of Trade Clause

What is a restraint of trade clause in an employment contract? 

A restraint of trade clause is a provision in an employment contract that restricts an Employee’s ability to compete with their Employer after they leave their job. This can include restrictions on where the Employee can work, what they can do, and who they can work for. 

For example, a restraint of trade clause might prevent an Employee from working for a competitor for a period of time after they leave their job, or from soliciting the Employer’s customers or employees. 

Why are restraint of trade clauses used? 

Employers use restraint of trade clauses to protect their legitimate interests, such as: 

Are restraint of trade clauses enforceable? 

Not all restraint of trade clauses are enforceable. In order for a restraint of trade clause to be enforceable, it must be reasonable and necessary to protect the employer’s legitimate interests. 

The following factors may be considered by a court when determining whether a restraint of trade clause is reasonable: 

employees in a discussion

What are the consequences of breaching a restraint of trade clause? 

If an Employee breaches a restraint of trade clause, the Employer may be able to sue the Employee for damages. The amount of damages that the Employer can recover will depend on the specific circumstances of the case. 

In some cases, the Employer may also be able to obtain an injunction to prevent the Employee from continuing to breach the restraint of trade clause. 

What should Employees do if they are asked to sign an employment contract with such a clause?

Employees should carefully review any employment contract that contains a restraint of trade clause before they sign it. They should also seek independent  advice to ensure that the clause is reasonable and enforceable. 

An employee concerned about a restraint of trade clause can negotiate its modification or removal with the employer.


Restraint of trade clauses can be a useful tool for Employers to protect their legitimate interests. However, it is important for Employers to ensure that these clauses are reasonable and enforceable. Employees should also carefully review any employment contract that contains a restraint of trade clause before they sign it.

If you’d like your restraint clauses to be reviewed, please reach out to our team or email us at [email protected].

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